United to lift up Jesus and do God's word together in order to meet the needs of the world

The church in this world is Jesus Christ's living body, anointed with the Spirit of God that dwells continually in this body. Yet, at present, its many members are largely cut off from each other, even in local areas. Further, lay members are often not well engaged as functioning members of Christ's body. Meanwhile, local church leaders are exhausted.

Imagine your own body having many parts that don't function, or don't function together, and lacking the essential connections of connective tissues including ligaments and tendons! This is not how God designed bodies!

Instead, Jesus' living body is best embodied by small groups of Christ followers, young people included, that regularly assemble in order to lift up Jesus together and to do God's word together. Disciples put God's word into practice. People that are young in their thinking believe they can change the world.

When we focus on lifting up Jesus Christ and doing the good that God commanded us to do together, God is glorified and His will is done.

Twenty commands of Jesus to do together:

Feed the hungry

Matthew 14:16, 15:32, 25:35, Mark 6:37, Mark 8:2, Luke 3:11, Luke 9:13

Visit the sick

Matthew 25:36

Give to the poor

Matthew 5:42, Matthew 13:44, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 6:30,35, Luke 12:33, Luke 18:22

Do justly

Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42

Be merciful

Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:36, Luke 10:37

Welcome strangers

Matthew 25:35

Clothe the naked

Matthew 25:36, Luke 3:11

Visit prisoners

Matthew 25:36

Welcome the marginalized

Luke 14:13

Bring children to Jesus

Mark 10:13-16, Luke 9:48

Honor your parents

Mark 10:19

Serve everyone

Mark 10:43-45, Luke 22:26, John 13:14

Love your neighbors

Mark 12:31, Luke 6:31, Luke 10:25-37, John 13:34-35

Love your enemies

Luke 6:27

Pray to overcome

Mark 11:22-25, Luke 10:2, Luke 11:2,5-13, Luke 18:1-8, John 14:13-14, John 16:24

Heal the sick

Matthew 10:7-8, Matthew 17:14-20, Mark 6:7-13, Mark 9:14-29, Mark 16:18, Luke 9:1-2,37-43, Luke 10:9

Proclaim the gospel

Matthew 24:14, Mark 6:7-11, Mark 13:10, Mark 16:15, Luke 9:1-2,60, Luke 10:9, Acts 1:8

Give testimony

Luke 8:39, Luke 21:13-15, John 15:27, Acts 1:8

Make disciples

Matthew 28:19-20

Tend and feed His sheep

John 21:16-17

What is God leading you to do today?

Let's unify around a common mission: to do God's word.

Again, Jesus' living body is best embodied by small groups of Christ followers that regularly assemble in order to lift up Jesus together and to do God's word together. When we do God's word together, we destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8): bondage, hunger, sickness, poverty, lack, injustice, hate, alienation, loneliness, fear, vengeance, selfishness, shame, and defeat.

Further, God is pleased by the unity of His body, and bonds of love are like the ligaments, tendons, and fascia that hold everything together, connecting bone to bone and other muscles, thereby allowing proper function. God is calling His church to unity. In addition to doing God's word together, let’s each do our part to work to create more connections, church family, and to encourage the proper functioning of our body's parts!

Let's each work to create opportunities to join together across church and organizational boundaries, whether in teams of 2 or of many (Matthew 18:18-20), as we together seek to do God’s word in our communities! These in-person efforts are most important to create connections between Christ's body and help ensure its proper function in our communities.

Christ lives in us, church. We are His functioning body right now.

You can spread the word about what you and God's church are doing in many ways. 

Here are a handful:

1) Share your passion. Let others in your youth group, college group, small group, church, and/or parachurch organization know about your passion to do God's word. God may have given them passions for seeing God's word done in different ways than you. As one wise pastor put it, "God gives us different passions so that everything he wants done in the world will get done."

2) Partner up. Partner up within teams across your church or parachurch organization. Visit another church or talk with another ministry team in your area and describe to them your passion to lift up Jesus and join together to do God's word across church and organizational lines. Find out how you can partner together within and without. It's time to stir each other up to love and good works.

Lay member of staff member, we are all disciples if we put His word into practice.

3) Put the word out. Put the word out about the needs you see in your community that your team and the church can together take care of. The church, Jesus' functioning body today, is meant to meet the needs of the world! Let's not let small doctrinal differences get in the way of our working together to do God's word. You are also encouraged to start posting about what in God's word you are doing or planning to do, inviting other Christ followers to join you. Christ calls us to go public and be visible.

4) Make connections. Let others know how to best connect with people across teams and churches in your area.

5) Increase visibility. Consider how you can increase visibility for your efforts with the tools at your disposal.

Let's lift up Jesus and do good together, each in our local areas.

"...that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they may also be in us... so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me." 

- John 17:21-23

“My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.” 

- Luke 8:21

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

-Hebrews 10:24-25

God has called you to be a laborer sent out into His harvest.

Instagram, as a lay-led, grassroots organization, has no plans at this time to create a non profit (501c3) nor to solicit funds. Nor is it self promoting. Its participants are encouraged to use their personal funds or solicit funds from their churches or parachurch organizations for planned events. God provides for His will to be done.

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us on Instagram or at